A Quarter of the Year Gone - Holy C@#p!

A Quarter of the Year Gone - Holy C@#p!

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Hi ya It's crazy right... A quarter of the year is almost done. How did you go with your first quarter goals? Smoked them? I know I did (sleep is such an inconvenience when you are doing what you love)... I've been crazy getting stuff done. Here is what my first quarter looks like: Health - Achieve weight of 89kg of lean muscle - check Wealth - Increase personal wealth by $3k - check Business - Update website, revamp coworking space, complete manuscript of my first book - check Relationships ...Partner - Honeymoon with my wife in Dubai - check ...Family - Move house, start training at the gym with my son & help him start a dog walking business - check Travel - 5 days in Byron Bay and 9 days in Dubai - check Personal Development - Read 3 books - check How is your quarter stacking up? If it's not great. don't let another quarter slip past you... the following is a list of ways we want to help you kick start you're success in the next quarter 

Monday 31st March - Review and goal setting: 9:00am Introductions 9:15am Pep talk + review Qtr 1 2014 (take the opportunity to reflect on all the wins you had in Qtr 1 (it's so easy for us to focus on all the challenges). You will see that there were numerous wins. Promise! 10:00am - 12 month 2014 goals 10:15am - 3 month 2nd Qtr goals 10:30am - Weekly actions 10:45am - Gee Up... Some motivational stuff... Inspiring things... stuff like that 11:00am - Go get'm tiger This is a free event held at theSPACE (187 Mulgrave Road)... So if you would like to participate, please email me at troy@thespacecairns.com

Next - Monday 31st 6pm - We shift focus to your inner game - Join me for a 6 week course where we teach you to control and focus your mind. Learn to let go of stress and anxiety and welcome more confidence - More info here >>> Next - Wednesday 2nd April - We shift focus again to health & fitness - Get into shape during Qtr 2 - More info here >>> And if that's not enough to get you off on the right track check out my awesome Rockstar Entrepreneur Coaching Programme - More info here >>> Or come and hang out in our Coworking Space. More info here >>> There should be absolutely no reason for you not to nail your goals

New Events coming soon to this space...