Wild Donna
theSPACE Cairns - Wild Donna
The 5 questions:
1. Who are you (you and your team)? I am a vegan health and lifestyle expert known as Wild Donna. My aim is to help you Go Vegan and Stay Vegan with diet and lifestyle tips, recipes and advice. Here is my website: www.wilddonna.com 2. What are you working on (explain the problem you are solving and your solution)? Many people wish to go vegan but don't because they're not certain of how to do it healthfully, uneasy about social pressures, worried about weight loss, etc... My aim is to bust myths and provide all the support and education that one needs to attain the goal of living healthfully on a vegan diet and lifestyle. Here is a quick welcome video:3. Where are you at with it (Progress update from last month if applicable)? I am currently re branding. I am in the process of revising my ebook (which came out 12 months ago), my website (which has been running for 3.5 years) and launching a brand new program called Transition To Vegan In 30 Days which will be launched on the 22nd April. 4. What do you need (resources, skills, etc...)? I would love to work with a raw vegan chef who has photographic skills :) The recipes page on my website is currently varied (ideally in Cairns though not essentially). A reliable, long term relationship is a must. 5. What are you willing to give up in order to get what you need (money, equity, contra)? Money or contra available for this exchange.
More information can be found via the following: Donna Wild e: contact@wilddonna.com w: www.wilddonna.com f: www.facebook.com/wilddonna
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