Free Laughter Course

Free Laughter Course

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Overwhelmed by your to do list? Is it all feeling too much? I totally get it... It's tough!

Reality is, entrepreneurship is a marathon not a sprint and we need tools to help us play the long game. Here’s one, but I want to share a story first if I can...  

I remember a time back around 2009 working in my online travel business, with an endless to do list, feeling an overwhelming sense of everything, in part being enslaved to my business and having all that really start to weigh on me. In that I had a realisation that I had lost my laugh. I couldn’t remember the last time I had really laughed. The world had become so serious. To the point that if I heard anyone laughing around me, internally I would be like… "d#@kheads be quiet!".

It was at that time (and I can’t even recall how he entered my life, as we met virtually and it wasn’t until 2013 that we eventually met in person), that the The Laughing Buda aka Ian Buda Maribito showed up in my life. We hit it off and quickly became virtual friends. He said he could help me get my laugh back and committed to calling me each day… to just laugh… And I was like, "at what?"… And he was like… "to just laugh because on a physiological level it’s good for you!". So we did. Each day for 3 weeks he’d call me… to just laugh.

It was initially soooo uncomfortable. I didn’t enjoy it. So, we focused on just giggling at first (and it was forced), but within a few days I was belly laughing, for no particular reason than to just laugh. Within a week. I was laughing. Within 3 weeks whenever I’d see people laughing, I’d laugh right along side them and then be like… "what are we laughing at?" The world seemed lighter and definitely funnier!

Any excuse to laugh! The Laughing Buda had helped me get my laugh back.

I got to know The Laughing Buda quite well over subsequent years and we’d always have a laugh about whatever shit we had going on and it would always seem lighter.

Ian had a vision to bring laughter to the world.

As an Entrepreneur I understand how overwhelming, stuck and just f@#king hard it can be at times and those times can extend into weeks, months and years. So it’s important that we plan for the long game and have tools like laughter to help lighten our journey along the way as we build our empires.

Almost a year ago, Ian (The Laughing Buda) transcended this reality (he died)… in pain, but laughing at the same time. Ian’s family chose not to have a funeral (releasing his ashes to one of his favourite spots), so I didn’t attend any funeral. I don’t feel I really took the time to honour Ian and the impact that Ian and laughter had on my life.

I was looking for an old mp3 recording that Buda gave me back in around 2010 of him laughing for 5 minutes (yep, just him belly laughing for 5 minutes) so that I could share it with some of my clients as a tool for us to laugh too. But I couldn’t find it, but then came across a 6 session course that Buda had put together to teach people, what he’d taught me.

To laugh for the sake of laughing… because it’s soooo good for your soul.

Ian was a good soul. You the people in theSPACE community are good souls.

If you are in anyway like I was and feeling the sense of overwhelm, sense of being way too serious or it might even be that you are down, sad or depressed. I hope you will allow me to honour Ian by sharing his course with you (he intended it to be free).

What I propose is
each day for the next 6 days, I’ll share a 2-4 min video here, where the Buda will connect you to that part of you that wants to laugh uncontrollably at life, at the seriousness, at everything and anything.

So a 2-4 min video a day (right here), each day for the next 6 days. Laughter is medicine.

The first (an intro video) is below.  Hahahahahahahahhaha. Note: Of course if you want to cheat and watch them all, they are all there for you to watch in one go.

Thanks Buda. Big Love

Troy x

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