Fireside Chat: Controlling The Mind with Christine Clifford

Fireside Chat: Controlling The Mind with Christine Clifford

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At theSPACE there's an inner component and and outer component.

The inner component relates to "You" & "Your Ideas" and then the outer component relates to Turning those Ideas Into Reality - "Startup" & "Scale Up".

Whilst theSPACE has a physical incubation space (a space), intrinsically it relates more to the inner space, the space from where ideas flow, creativity happens, new to the world concepts are formed and a true appreciation for YOU and your gifts exist. The space outside that constant stream of thinking, doing, emotion, anxiety, stress, overwhelm that most people live in on a day-to-day basis.

theSPACE outside the mind.

I was  joined by Christine Clifford from 'The Inner Boardroom' to discuss "the mind and taking control of your mind" as opposed to having your mind control you.  

It's a new way of being for most people. We invite you to join us in the exploration of this!

Christine Clifford has been a long term mentor of theSPACE working with numerous members to help them to identify and release internal roadblocks, whilst creating a powerful state to move forward personally and professionally.

You can find more detailed information about Christine's area's of expertise here - and reach out to her directly via her contact details.

It's a new way of being when you get to wake up and do what you were born to do and be paid for that... And it's next level, when you can live more completely outside the limitation of our mind made concept of self.

If this resonates with you, no matter where you are along the path to awakening and living that and you'd like to chat with me to see if you're a fit with any of theSPACE program's book in for a 10 minute initial chat via the link here -

A new way of being


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