The Laughing Buda Video 2

The Laughing Buda Video 2

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Free Laughter Course - Video # 2 - Starts with a Smile

Why are we doing this? For so many reasons, but here's just a few:

1. You are worth it
2. Entrepreneurship is a long game, let's do what it takes to enjoy it
3. When we're feeling good we attract better circumstances (same goes for when you're feeling crap... have you ever had one of those days when you're in a bad mood and then your day spirals into shit, making it 10x worse?)
4. Let's choose happiness over stress, anxiety, overwhelm?

Here's video 2 now (oops sorry, we took the weekend off)

We invite you to take 4min to tune in.... Hahahahha 

Video 3 tomorrow

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