Louise Ottewell
Forte Marketing

Brief Business Description:
Forte Marketing provides strategic advice to companies who are seeking to make their marketing spend work harder and smarter. We develop and deliver innovative, engaging messaging which ensures businesses are seen in all the right places. Our aim is to streamline communication and maximise profit and customer loyalty.
I have been in the industry for over 20 years and have lived in Cairns for 14 years. My two week stay seems to have blown out slightly…..
Team Members:
Darren Baines
Brief personal bio:
Overeducated English woman who threw caution to the wind and left England to pursue something – not sure what. Previous places of work include the BBC, Reed Executive, Skytrans, Skyrail – all in marketing and communications roles. After years on the hamster wheel of working for others, Darren and I joined forces, and Forte Marketing was born.
What are you hoping to gain from coworking at theSPACE:
To meet and be inspired by like-minded folk who are motivated to succeed in business and share stories of challenges and wins.
How can you help your fellow co-workers at theSPACE:
I am more than happy to offer an appraisal of marketing collateral, messaging and websites to my co-workers. I also make good cakes.
What are some of your hobbies/interests:
I love musical theatre and do a lot of voluntary work for with the Cairns Choral Society either producing shows, as part of the tech crew or being in shows. I also enjoy writing articles, painting, cooking and hanging out with my dogs.
If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why:
A female James Bond because of the gadgets.